Below you will find our list of available services that we host ourselves. These are meant to set an example of what we host and what you can host yourself.
Iridious is our very own hosted search engine. Using Searx, A privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine. Searx is a great alternative to an engine like Google and DuckDuckGo. This is since while being able to return the same results, Searx is a private search engine that does not track your history, and is free and open source. Preferences can be changed in settings and search history is stored in a cookie within your browser.
Currently, our email is in a private testing phase. Deployed using Luke Smith's emailwiz, This email uses OpenDKIM for email validation and Dovecot for sending and retrieving mail. You can check the script link for more details, and on how to set up a mail server for your own personal use.